Oak Timber Posts
We sell four way weathered European Oak posts for outdoor projects such as oak gate posts, oak sign posts, oak fence posts and oak landscaping projects. These are on offer in a range of different sizes and come in fresh sawn (rough/raw finish) and planed all round (smooth finish).
What is four way weathered?
Four way weathered oak posts are where the top of the post is cut to a pyramid shape with sloped faces on four sides so north, east, south and west have an angled cut. The design of the pyramid cut shape allows water to run off so it doesnt pool on the top and weather the oak or discolour it. The pyramid shape also provides a nice decorative finish for use with outdoor landscaping projects.
Can European Oak be used outdoors?
European oak four way feathered posts are from our French sawmills. European oak is usually from France, Croatia or Estonia where the forests are subjected to extremes in climate conditions. The oak trees grow in hot sunny summers and brutally cold, wet and icy winters which means that they adapt to harsh conditions. This means European oak is externally rated making it very durable and resiliant which is why it is ideal for outdoor projects.